Conversations about your data

Conversations about data

You can join the conversation now by starting a new thread, commenting on a topic that has already been suggested or liking a comment that has been made by someone else.

All of these conversations will help to shape how we use data for research as part of the new East Midlands Secure Data Environment.

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Here's our quick guide to taking part in conversations


  • Search first - someone else might have already asked the question; if they have why not add to the discussion by commenting rather than starting a new discussion
  • Post once, not often - choose a topic for your question or comment and post it once. Posting the same question in multiple threads or topics can be confusing
  • Be respectful at all times
  • Every view is valid - but not if it is a personal attack, degrading, insulting or falls within any of the "Don'ts" below

There are a few don'ts

  • No Spam/advertising /promotions
  • No sharing of personal details - everyone can remain anonymous if they want to
  • No copyright-infringing material
  • No offensive posts, links or images

Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or discriminatory in any way is not permitted. 


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Viewing Thread: How do I know my data will be truly anonymous? Show all threads

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